Jumaat, 9 November 2007

Amrita School of Nursing

A part of the Amrita University School of Medicine, the School of Nursing is situated within the AIMS campus in Cochin. New classes of B.Sc. Nursing students start each January, with an intake of 50 students.
The four-year programme is aimed at graduating professional nurses who can render comprehensive healthcare

Nutrition Laboratory

The college has a Nutrition Laboratory where the students learn to prepare the proper food for patients with various illness. The lab is also used for the students to prepare different types of exhibits for health-education programmes.

Maternal & Child Health Laboratory

The Maternal & Child Health Laboratory consists of various obstetrical charts related to antenatal, intranatal and postnatal care and models to practise conduct of labour. This also includes baby mannequin with which the students can practise paediatric nursing procedures.


The nursing library has more than 1,000 textbooks and an extended collection of various nursing journals from India and abroad.
Computer LaboratoryA laboratory is provided for the students to develop their skills in using computers for healthcare and health education.
Computer Laboratory
A laboratory is provided for the students to develop their skills in using computers for healthcare and health education.
Community Health Laboratory
In this lab, the students practise techniques required for family healthcare and prepare the materials needed for health education, school health programmes, health camps, exhibitions and projects.
Amrita University School of Nursing Amrita Lane, Elamakkara PostKochi, Kerala 682026, IndiaPhone: 0484-2801234,Fax: 0484-2802020eMail:nursingcollege@medical.amrita.eduURL:- Amrita.edu

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